Arjun Balakrishnan

About Me

Hey! I'm Arjun, a Data Science undergrad at IIT Madras. I am passionate about using AI in the education and bio-tech fields, where I believe it can help make meaningful advances.

Between 2023–'24, I taught Python as a TA at IIT Madras. Now I'm focused on ML and AI, and write about some of my learnings and experiments on my blog. I am exploring the application of Computer Vision and NLP techniques to solve problems in healthcare and teaching.

Previously, I have built data-driven mobile apps that benefit everyday life, with a focus on accessible UI design. Inspired by my own weight-loss journey, I made an iOS app to help users stay fit. I won a scholarship from Apple in 2023 for creating an educational cryptography puzzle game.

In my free time, I like to draw, read or watch well-written shows with interesting characters. I share the growing concern about AI creeping into creative fields. As such I'm interested by projects like Glaze and in discussions around AI regulation.

If you're interested in collaborating with me on anything AI/ML related, feel free to reach out using the contact info available in the footer.


Much of the content is written using Markdown. I use Zola SSG to convert it to HTML, with syntax highlighting for the code snippets and such. The fonts are IBM Plex Sans and IBM Plex Mono.

In an effort to keep things minimal, I've stuck to using only plain HTML and CSS. I avoid JavaScript like the plague, except for a small Google Analytics snippet to measure page views. Any illustrations you see were drawn by me using Procreate.